Constitution of The Lowland and Border Pipers' Society
As amended November 14th, 2020


The name of the Society shall be The Lowland and Border Pipers' Society'.


The aims of the Society shall be to foster awareness of and interest in the traditional and contemporary music and associated lore of the Lowland or Border bagpipes and the Scottish smallpipes, and to encourage their playing, manufacture and development. This shall be done, within the Society's means, through organizing and supporting meetings, performances, publications, broadcasts, recordings and any other appropriate means. Also, where appropriate, to foster mutually enriching links with other organisations and individuals having similar interests, in Scotland and around the world, thus strengthening interest in bagpipe music, its place in Scottish culture and within traditional music as a whole.

The name of The Lowland and Border Pipers' Society shall not be used for any purpose other than the execution of the objects stated above as agreed by the Committee and other members at its meetings. It shall not be used for any commercial business or activity, not directly associated with the objects of the Society and the raising of funds to further these objects.


Membership of the Society will be open to all, on payment of an annual subscription to be decided at each Annual General Meeting (henceforth AGM). Membership is valid for one year, from the day the subscription is registered. There shall be three types of members:

  • Ordinary members. Ordinary members whose annual membership is valid are entitled to attend all meetings and events organized by the Society, vote at AGMs and Extraordinary General Meetings (henceforth EGMs), be elected on the Committee, and receive and purchase material made available to members.

The Committee may cancel, decline to renew, or refuse to grant membership to individuals who, in its opinion, bring the Society into disrepute or work against the Society's interests. The unexpired portion of their subscription will not be returned. Cancellations must be confirmed at an AGM or EGM. but will be enforced from the day of the Committee's decision.

  • Honorary members. Honorary members enjoy the same rights and are subject to the same cancellation rules as ordinary members; in addition, they are granted free lifelong membership for their distinguished contribution to the music, research and promotion of the Lowland and small pipes of Scotland. Honorary members are proposed by the Committee and approved at an AGM.

Funds and accountancy

The funds of the Society will be devoted solely to furthering the Society's aims. A change of the yearly subscription may be proposed by the Treasurer and approved by the Committee whenever necessary.

The accounts of the Society shall be presented at the AGM by the Treasurer for approval. In addition, an interim report shall be made available at each Committee meeting. At the discretion of the Committee, accounts shall be made available to an agreed accountant for auditing purposes.


Dissolution of the Society can be considered if members are no longer willing to organize the Society. A dissolution motion must be first approved by a 3/4 majority of the Committee, then approved at an EGM. Dissolution shall be operational if a 3/4 majority of EGM votes in favour. In this case, the Committee shall proceed to extinguish all existing debts using the funds available, and, if any debts still remain, proceed to sell the Society's assets until all debts are extinguished. Any remaining funds and properties shall be distributed to charities and cultural institutions selected by the EGM.



The work of the Society shall be organised by a Committee, which shall comprise the posts of Convenor, Secretary, Treasurer, Minutes Secretary, Website Administrator plus four 'ordinary' Committee members. The editor of Common Stock should be an ex-officio member of the Committee. A quorum will comprise at least 5 members in attendance including at least two of Convenor, Secretary or Treasurer. Any financial decisions must be agreed by the Treasurer before being considered final.

Such Committee posts shall be individually offered for election at the AGM each year by nomination and endorsement (one endorsement sufficient) to serve for a period of one year. The current incumbent of a post may offer him/her self for re-election. Cases of multiple nominations shall be resolved by a vote (with usual AGM procedure). In the event of difficulty in filling any of the Committee posts, individuals prepared to do so may take on the duties of more than one post (e.g. Secretary and Minutes Secretary). If a post is vacant, the Committee may co-opt a member at any point during the year to serve the remainder of the term until the next AGM. They may then offer themselves for re-election as above.

Other members of the Society who run specific events (i.e. Collogue/Competition) may be invited to attend Committee Meetings in the lead up to, or aftermath of, their event, but are not eligible to vote.

All Committee members are subject to the same cancellation rules as ordinary members. In addition, a Committee member can be removed from his office by the Committee itself, after due consultation with the member, if for instance the member's commitments have not been properly honoured, or extraordinary events make it impossible for the member to honour such commitments. A replacement shall be co-opted promptly by the Committee and approved at the next AGM.

Honorary President

The Society shall have an Honorary President, elected every three years at an AGM with the same procedure adopted for Committee members. The Hon. President shall be a distinguished personality who, through research, publications, performances or any other engagements, has given an outstanding contribution to the Society's aims. It would be hoped that the Hon. President could represent the Society on special occasions. The Hon. President shall have the status of an honorary member for the duration of his or her office, and his or her membership and office shall be subject to cancellation with the rules valid for ordinary and Committee members

Annual General Meetings

AGM shall take place once a year to conduct the following standard business:

  • Approve the Convenor's report on the activity of the previous year.
  • Approve the Treasurer's report.
  • Receive reports from existing branches and approve the formation of new branches.
  • Approve new mutual agreements with other societies and institutions.
  • Elect Committee members.
  • Elect the Honorary President when necessary.
  • Approve any proposed honorary members and technical advisers.
  • Consider amendments to the Constitution.
  • Consider any other motions on the agenda.

AGMs shall be minuted. Minutes shall be circulated to all members as soon as possible, along with a copy of the Society's annual accounts as approved by the ACM. Minutes will be approved at the next ACM.

Members can submit motions for inclusion in the AGM agenda to the Secretary, to be received in time for being circulated to all members in the AGM notice. Motions must be relevant to the Society. All members will be given at least four weeks advance notice of the agenda, enabling them to register a postal vote on any listed motion if unable to attend. Postal votes must be received by the Secretary before the AGM. All and only the items on the agenda will be voted on at an AGM.

The quorum necessary for an AGM to be valid shall be 2/3 of the Committee plus 10 members. Motions will be approved by voting and simple majority, with the exception of motions involving amendments to the Constitution, for which a 2/3 majority shall be necessary. In the case of equality of votes, the Convenor shall have a casting vote.

Extraordinary General Meetings

EGMS may be called, at the discretion of the Committee, to conduct such business that cannot be conducted by the Committee as they require AGM approval according to the Constitution, and require immediate action because the aims of the Society or the Society's normal business cannot be furthered without immediate decision.

EGM procedures (calling, circulation of minutes, quorum and voting), shall be the same as for AGMs. However, it will not be necessary to read the minutes of the previous AGM at an EGM, nor will the Treasurer have to present a report.


Members may form among themselves (subject to the approval of the AGM) regular meetings or branch activities and use the name and logo of the Lowland and Border Pipers' Society, as long as their activities comply with the aims of the parent Society, and do not conflict with, the aim and ongoing activities of the parent Society.

Members of any such branches must continue to pay their membership to the parent Society, over and above whatever additional moneys may be required to support branch activities. Branches shall keep their own accountancy and be responsible for their own finances and debts. Branches should be registered with the parent Society, and an annual report of their activities presented by a member at the AGM or received by the Secretary before the AGM.

Care should be taken that events organized by branches do not clash with events organized by the parent Society.

Mutual agreements

The Committee may decide to establish a regular exchange of material normally distributed or made available to members with other societies or cultural institutions of similar finalities or interests. Such societies shall be registered as honorary members. They must indicate a contact person to whom all material will be sent. The agreement shall be valid as long as material is exchanged regularly.

Amendment to the Constitution

Amendments to the present Constitution can be approved by vote at an AGM or EGM with a 2/3 majority.

Interpretation of the Constitution

The Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of' the Constitution, and the decision of the Committee upon any question of interpretation or upon any matter affecting the Society not provided for by these rules shall be final and binding for all members.