Fracas in Lachmaben
THANKS to the ever-diligent Keith Sanger for this extract he has gleaned from the Lochmaben Court and Council Book 16-12-1721.
Keith writes: “ ‘Ane bloud’ usually meant any form of wounding that drew blood, although if a weapon or implement was used it would normally be stated, so in this case it would presumably be just fisticuffs. From the scenario, it looks as though the piper was protecting his pipes and letting his wife protect him. It all seems eminently reasonable - after all, pipes are valuable, bruises self-repair...”
5 August, 1619 The burgh cort of Lochmaben haldin in the burgh thereof be Wilkeine Johnstoun of Elshisheills proveist Williame Maxwell and Mathew Ewart baillies thereof...
Decemis Jeane Jarding upun hir contumacie and William Byris her caur in the soume of five merkis conforme to the act of this burghe for ane bloud comittit be hir upon Oswald Portuis pyper with [space] to the said parties.
Item decemis Euphaine Locherbie spous to Oswald Portuis pypir upon hir awin confessioun in the soume of five merkis for ane bloud committit be hir upun Jeane Jarding whereupon the Juge decernt act.