The article by Colin Ross which Craig mentions is here reprinted, in a revised form, from Common Stock vol. 14.1 This article was expanded and printed in More Power to Your Elbow where you will also find Ray Sloan’s guide, including template dimensions, and guides to making plastic reeds by Jon Swayne and Malcolm McLaren.
You will see from the diagram that the general appearance is similar to the Highland chanter reed. However the main difference is in the thickness of the cane slip which is much thinner than the wet-blown reed. It is more like the small pipe reed in many ways except for the taper of the cane and the aperture of the staple.
THE CANE. This is shaped from a piece 3" x .030" thick and tapered from 1/2" down to 1/4" (not a point) in 1 1/2", and rubbed down to 7/16" width as shown on the diagram. The 1/4" end is thinned and soaked before tying on to the staple to enable it to wrap round without splitting.
THE STAPLE. Made from the same3/16" x 28 swg brass tubing as the small pipe reed but the end "eye" is only 1/16" internal diameter. The staple tapers 5/8" down from the "eye" leaving 1/4" [length of] round section to go in the reed seating in the chanter. A bridle can be added if necessary, as indicated on the drawing.