Trawling the Internet recently your editor came across this:

‘A Compleat Theory of the Scots Highland Bagpipe containing all the shakes, introductions, graces & cuttings which are peculiar to this instrument, reduced to order & method: fully explain’d, & noted at large in 58 tables & examples. With all the terms of art in which this instrument was originally taught by its first masters & composers in the Islands of Sky & Mull. Also a full account of the time, style, taste, & composition of true pipe music, with examples of each, in the genuine & native style of this instrument; & an account of the rules & method by which the pipe composition & time were regulated. To which is added … a description of the original intent of pipe musick; & a short account of the nature & compass [of] the bellow’s pipe.
From the website of the Alt pibroch Club
(Courtesy of Edinburgh University Library)